Summer Road Trip

The last time I saw the Rockies, was when I was a child on a road trip to visit my Oma in Calgary. l have a vivid memory of sitting in the back seat of our wood panelled station wagon, (oh yes, we had one of those, beauties) and being awestruck by the beauty of these mountains. The fog that veiled their snow capped peaks, the mountain goats scrambling over their rugged rocks, and the waterfalls flowing through their sides. I was amazed. So it’s rather surprising I didn’t make my way back sooner. I had planned road trips to the rockies every summer for the last few years and it just never happened. Other trips got in the way, and while too much travel is a wonderful problem to have, I was determined to go back to the mountains. Anyway, this summer it finally happened. I revisited the Rockies. We planned this trip with our good friends, because road trips are always better with friends, right?! Well, this one certainly was.

We planned to take two weeks, them on their motorcycles and us in our majestic Dodge Dakota, that has brought was safely through many adventures. From Vancouver we headed to Summerland BC taking the old highways. We then headed to Vernon, Salmo, Nelson, Cranbrook, Radium, Banff, Jasper, Deka Lake, Kleena Kleen, Bella Coola, and then finally we took the ten-hour ferry ride from Bella Coola to Port Hardy on Vancouver Island. This was a beautiful road trip that truly showed the amazing diversity that our country has to offer.

Theresa Finlayson